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2.7 Placement Planning Meetings


Regulation 5 – Engaging with the wider System to ensure each Child's Needs are Met

The Quality and Purpose of Care Standard
Regulation 6

NOTE: Placement Planning Meetings are generally carried out at the LAC Review, DMR however do carry out internal Placement Planning Meetings.


  1. Purpose of Placement Planning Meetings
  2. Frequency of Placement Planning Meetings
  3. Convening and Chairing Planning Meetings
  4. Who Should Attend or Contribute to the Meeting
  5. Preparation and Conducting of the Meeting
  6. Recording of Outcomes
  7. Progress Chasing Outcomes

1. Purpose of Placement Planning Meetings

The purpose of Placement Planning Meetings is to ensure that children's Placement Plans are kept up to date and continue to meet the needs of the child. This is generally carried out at the LAC Review DMR however do carry out internal Placement Planning Meetings.

2. Frequency of Placement Planning Meetings

Placement Planning Meetings should be held at the following intervals:

  1. Within seven working days of the child's placement if a Placement Plan was not completed prior to the placement, sufficient to sustain the child until the first Looked After Review;
  2. As part of all Looked After Reviews or, if this is not possible, a Placement Plan Review should be conducted as soon as possible after each Looked After Review;
  3. After serious Incidents or in the light of significant changes in the child's circumstances which suggest that it is necessary to review the arrangements set out in the Placement Plan;
  4. At other times agreed between the social worker and provider/carer;
  5. Where the Statement of Purpose for a Home determine that such reviews should occur.

3. Convening and Chairing Planning Meetings

Placement Planning Meetings must be convened and chaired by the Manager of the Home, or someone delegated to act on the Manager's behalf.

4. Who Should Attend or Contribute to the Meeting

The following people should be invited to attend/have their views represented at the Placement Planning Meetings. Full attendance by those listed below would normally be at a LAC Review.

  1. The child's social worker;
  2. The child’s Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO);
  3. The child;
  4. The child's parents;
  5. The child's Key Worker, if known, or a member of staff;
  6. Other significant people/agencies.

If any of these people cannot attend it does not preclude the meeting from occurring, if the Manager/chair agree; in which case, the Manager/chair obtain their views.

5. Preparation and Conducting of the Meeting

Before the meeting, the chairperson should obtain or be updated on the following:

The chairperson should also ensure that the child, parent(s) and others who have been asked to contribute understand the purpose of the meeting, how it will be conducted and are given the opportunity to put their views and suggestions.

During the meeting, the chairperson should ensure the following:

  • That consideration is given to the continuing appropriateness of the placement within the context of the child's Care Plan or Pathway Plan and the need for the Placement Plan to be amended as appropriate;
  • That the child's Placement Plan is updated if appropriate, and new or updated copies are circulated to those who were invited or contributed.

This does not mean that amendments to Placement Plans may only be made at Placement Planning Meetings. When Placement Plans are formulated and at each Placement Planning Meetings, the social worker and manager/chair should agree the extent to which they can be amended, between Placement Planning Meetings or without consultation. 

If there are concerns about the suitability of the placement, consideration should be given to the following:

  • Whether it is possible to sustain the placement until the next Looked After Review by, for example, providing additional support to the placement;
  • Bringing forward the date of the next Looked After Review;
  • Ending the placement.

6. Recording of Outcomes

The Chairperson must ensure the following is recorded at the end of the Placement Planning Meeting:

  • The updating or amendment of the child's Placement Plan;
  • Additional minutes of any discussions and decisions made at the Placement Planning Meeting.

Copies of these records should be circulated to those who attended or were invited to contribute.

7. Progress Chasing Outcomes

Where the chairperson is concerned about delay in implementation of aspects of the Placement Plan, he or she should progress chase those responsible and, if necessary, take matters up with relevant managers.

Where the chairperson is concerned that recommendations or agreements have not been incorporated into the child's plan, he or she may take this up with the relevant person/manager and/or consider whether to reconvene the Placement Plan Meeting.
